E-Learning TEF Canada, TEFAQ Preparation.(Speaking). With many exam situations and representative topics

TEF Canada – TEFAQ  (Speaking)
Prepare for Part A and Part B tests

Training presentation

Part 1 : General presentation of the 2 tests (Section A and Section B)

Prepare for TEF Canada - TEFAQ (Speaking) Part A. Demonstrate your ability to obtain accurate information!

Here you will find a presentation of the tests, accompanied by a reminder of the necessary requirements.
The evaluation criteria are detailed, with a comment on your real objective.

Part 2 : Preparing for the test Section A ( To obtain accurate information)

  • with over 30 representative subjects to practice Section A
  • with 10 corrected topics (and a detailed analysis of corrected topics)
  • over 30 quizzes
  • 18 downloadable cheat sheets (with associated vocabulary)
TEF Canada - TEFAQ ( Speaking ). Presentation of the “Part A” test. Call for detailed information!

General outline of the course structure : TEF Canada - TEFAQ (Oral Expression) Section A : A step-by-step course with lots of examples in exam situations and representative topics

1/ Une révision générale des questions

TEF Canada - TEFAQ Speaking. Variez la structure de vos questions pour gagner des points !This is a grammar- and vocabulary-oriented review and explanation of what you need to show during the test (Varied structures, using interrogative words, ...)
(Varied structures, using interrogative words, ...)
With examples, vocabulary, exercises and quizzes + downloadable worksheets

2/ Révisez les questions d’examen sur les grands thèmes

TEF Canada - TEFAQ Speaking. Devenez un expert pour poser des questions sur les grands thèmes de la vie. C'est 60 à 80% des questions de l'examen !This is a review of questions by theme.
This is probably revise 60-80% of the questions you will ask on the exam    
 With examples, exercises and quizzes + downloadable worksheets

It also means asking precise questions to obtain accurate information and score marks easily.

3/ Learn and develop exam techniques and tips to succeed

This is a lesson to develop exam techniques.
Thanks to them, you'll be able to handle lots of questions naturally, manage your 5 minutes well, have a natural conversation and show off your French to best advantage.
These are the tools you need to manage your exam and succeed.

4/ 13 tips for a successful test

In this lesson you will find :
   _ 13 important tips for a successful test and a big mistake to avoid
   _ A reminder linked to the evaluation criteria

5/ Practice Section A in detail

For each topic you will find :
* 1 practice exercise and answer sheet (based on a list of 15 to 25 questions)
* 1 exam answer sheet (with examiner/candidate dialogue)
   + a detailed analysis of this corrected topic to speed up your progress

   + remarks or suggestions for improvement
Thanks to this detailed training, you'll know how to manage your test and what you need to do to succeed.
All with a little bit of :

6/ Pratiquez les épreuves de façon guidée

With 5 topics representative of the exam
And for each topic you have :
* 1 training exercise (15 to 25 questions to ask on the topic, without dialogue)
* 1 long corrected version (With open-ended dialogue and lots of questions)
* 1 short corrected version (With dialogue and limited time, just like on the exam)
In theory, once you've finished this chapter, you'll have enough knowledge to manage your exam and practice on your own.

7/ Practice your exam freely!

Here you'll find over 20 representative topics chosen for free practice.
(That's a total of 30 topics to prepare for Section A, if you add the 10 practice topics).
This is enough to familiarize you with different types of subject and to build up your confidence.

8/ Quelques derniers conseils et de grosses erreurs à éviter sous stress

It's important advice on how to be effective and give yourself the best chance of success.
It's a reminder of the right attitude to have, the important points to remember, the big mistakes to avoid during the test, as well as advice for before and during the exam.
These tips are based on real situations, and sometimes on the stupid failures of well-prepared people. It can happen, ... even to good ones. That's why nothing should be underestimated.

Part 3 : Preparing for the test Section B (Convincing your friend)

  • with over 30 representative subjects to practice Section B
  • with 10 corrected topics (and a detailed analysis of corrected topics)
  • over 30 quizzes
  • more than 18 downloadable cheat sheets (with associated vocabulary)

0/ Plan de la préparation de la Section B

TEF Canada - TEFAQ (Speaking) Part B is divided into 4 steps. Use each step to demonstrate your knowledge of FrenchThe Section B test can be broken down into 4 steps which will structure this course.
The aim is to explain how the course is organized and also to give you pointers so that you can go straight to a lesson or come back to revise a lesson you've already seen.

1/ A review of very useful skills for the exam

TEF-TEFAQ _ TCF-TCFQ (Expression Orale, Section B). Pour convaincre un ami on va exprimer les causes et les conséquences, le doute, l'opposition, des opinions, rapporter des expériences et quantifier. C'est essentiel de maitriser ces outils pour utiliser differentes stratégies d'argumentation et nuancer son discours.The aim of this lesson is to review or learn how to express different communication intentions such as :
causes and consequences, goal, doubt, certainty and probability (with examples of how to use the subjunctive in real exam situations), opposition and concession, emphasizing, express an opinion, report an opinion or ask for an opinion, listing the benefits, ...

All this while expressing yourself in a friendly way to your friend, using appropriate vocabulary.

All of these points are addressed with a wide range of exam situations, with examples of complex tenses
(Conditionnel présent (Passé), subjonctif présent, plus-que-parfait, gérondif (Participe présent) avec un rappel du futur simple)

2/ Apprenez et Développez des techniques d’examen et des techniques pour convaincre

In this lesson you'll review or learn techniques and strategies for : getting ideas naturally, managing your 10 minutes well, having a natural conversation, convincing your friend, responding to a counter-argument with different strategies, showing your French, ...

Thanks to these techniques and strategies, you'll understand how you can take advantage of opportunities to express different communication intentions and show off your French.
All this is illustrated with numerous examples applicable to the exam.

3/ Entrainez-vous en détail avec 5 sujets représentatifs de l’examen

It's step-by-step training, with lists of counter-arguments, an corrected topics and an analysis of these corrected topics

Everything is very detailed with examples for each step and for each micro-step shown in this drawing.
For each subject, you also have :
  • A given examination context (for Steps 0 to 3)
  • A list of counter-arguments to which you must respond
    (With a sample answer key for each counter-argument)
  • A corrected topic
  • A very detailed analysis of corrected topic based on different evaluation criteria => What's missing ?
  • Advice or suggestions for improvement (or possible options)
This training is an application of the previous lessons and is designed to help you :
  • Bien comprendre votre travail pendant chaque étape (ou micro-étape) de l’examen
  • Intégrer les techniques et les outils nécessaires pour bien gérer votre épreuve
  • To organize your work and your progress
  • To manage your time
  • Prendre le contrôle de votre épreuve et faire votre travail
  • To understand why an "imperfect" work can be a winner
  • To understand how you can improve
  • To gain self-confidence

Vous apprenez aussi ici à “Comment gérer le sujet inconnu” tant redouté
Cette leçon a aussi comme objectif de vous donnez l’autonomie nécessaire pour gérer votre épreuve

4/ Pratiquez les épreuves de façon guidée

With 5 topics representative of the exam

Pour chaque sujet, vous êtes toujours guidé par étapes, avec des exercices/des suggestions :

  • Étape “0” : Avez-vous compris le sujet ? => Comment réagir, comment imaginer un début de scénario ?

  • Step “1”: Respond to your friend's greeting and introduce / present the topic

  • Étape “2” : On vous propose un scénario et votre ami vous donne des contre-arguments :

    _ For each counter-argument, ideas for answers are proposed

    _ You must respond to each counter-argument

  • Step “3”: Decode the end signal given by the examiner and say goodbye

At the end of each topic you have :

  • A corrected topic

  • An analysis of the corrected topic according to different evaluation criteria

L’objectif, c’est de pratiquer toutes les étapes de l’examen, d’améliorer votre technique et de passer en contrôle de votre production

5/ Des conseils pour les sujets “SPÉCIFIQUES”, “DIFFICILES” ou “DÉSTABILISANTS”

Dans cette leçon vous trouverez des conseils pour 4 familles de sujets
(Bénévolat, Santé, Environnement et les sujets souvent classés comme “Difficiles ou Délicats”)

The aim of this lesson is to :
_ Vous montrer des particularités de ces types de projet
_ Vous donner des astuces pour gérer ces types de sujets
_ Vous permettre de rester efficace pendant l’examen

6/ Pratiquer librement l’épreuve

Vous disposez de plus de 20 sujets représentatifs choisis pour pratiquer librement l’épreuve et bien vous entrainer pour l’examen.

As with Section A, it's a mix of selected topics, and that's enough to start feeling confident.
In addition, if you add :
_ the 5 training topics
_ the 5 guided practice topics

Tous ensemble, c’est déjà plus de 30 sujets pour préparer la Section B (D’autres sont à venir)

Included in these 20+ topics are the 7 special topics (Volunteering, Health, Environment and topics classified as “Difficult or Delicate”) which have been used to explain the particularities and give some ideas for dealing with difficult or delicate topics in a fairly straightforward manner.

7/ 14 GROSSES ERREURS à éviter

Dans cette leçon, vous trouverez un rappel de 14 grosses erreurs fréquentes à éviter
With tips on how to avoid or cope with them 😎

8/ RÉUSSIR : Quelques conseils pour bien vous préparer à réussir

The aim of this lesson is to help you make the most of your chances to be efficient and win points.

These are tips to remind you:
_ How to prepare yourself to manage your test and make the most of your knowledge
_ How to have a winning attitude
_ How to manage your stress
_ How to reach your goal

Nothing extraordinary, just common sense but from a different angle, and it's appreciated by students who want to make the most of their knowledge during the exam.