TEF / TEFAQ Preparation
(Oral Expression)

Prepare for your Exam
to Level B2!

A straightforward, robust course
based on thousands of private courses,
To achieve your goals

A course tailored to your needs

Get organized at your own pace!

Mobile, for greater flexibility

With quizzes to test yourself

With real subjects (Sections A and B)

Who is this course for ?

This preparation is for all those who are going to take the TEF / TEFAQ (Oral Expression) exam, because it's an exam you have to prepare for.
Unprepared, even at B2 level, it's really difficult because you also need to be familiar with the tests and have some exam techniques.

This TEF / TEFAQ Oral Expression preparation course aims to give you all the tools and exam techniques you need for Section A (Obtaining information) and Section B (Convincing a friend). Thanks to this preparation, and depending on your situation, you'll be confident going into the exam or optimizing intensive exam preparation.

Steps to prepare for the TEF-TEFAQ speaking tests (Section A and Section B)

TEF-TEFAQ Oral Expression Test Preparation steps

More on the course content :



In this course you will review or learn to :
_ How to use different question structures, interrogative words, etc.
_ Master questions by theme (costs, places, time, reservations, etc.)
_ React to unexpected situations (vague answers, etc.)
_ Fluidify your conversation, make it more natural, ...
_ Develop your exam techniques (imagine the reason for your call, ...)
_ Test yourself on different exam subjects
_ Dealing with unfamiliar, difficult or unsettling subjects
_ …
_ Gain confidence and control during the exam

In this course you will review or learn to :
_ Express causes and consequences
_ Express the goal, Express doubt
_ Express your objection
_ Express opinions
_ React to counter-arguments
_ Smooth out conversation and make it more natural, ...
_ Use examination techniques (imagine a scenario)
_ Test yourself on different exam subjects
_ Prepare for unknown, difficult or unsettling subjects
_ …
_ Gain confidence and control during the exam

A detailed course designed for the exam, with :
_ Test sequence
_ The aim of each test
_ Timing
_ Explanations
_ Make revisions
_ Examination situation
_ Exam Techniques
_ How to improve your marks
_ Tips and advice
_ Exercises with answers
_ Over 100 quizzes
_ With representative exam topics (specially designed for this training course)

A few images to show the course content:

Preparing for the "Section A" test:

TEF- TEFAQ Preparation - Une presentation en images du contenu du cours Section A (Poser des questions - Obtenir des informations précises)

Preparing for the "Section B" test:

TEF- TEFAQ Preparation - A pictorial presentation of the course content Section A (Asking questions - Obtaining accurate information)

Course prerequisites :

B1 level (with reading comprehension skills)

Note TCF / TCFQ :

You can also use this course to prepare for the TCF / TCFQ , because even if the 2 exams TEF and TCF have a different form, the content to be mastered is the same: oral expression at B2 level to obtain precise information or to argue a point.

A few testimonials:

“Gilles helped me prepare for my TEFAQ speaking exam in a very short time (5 weeks) with regular classes after which I got B2 on the first try. Due to COVID the classes were online over Skype, however, thanks to Gilles engaging and easy-going approach the classes were as efficient as in-person classes. His method is based on simulation of the real exam situations, with real exam questions. He shared various useful tools to help prepare for the specific exam situations and helped construct workable solutions for any scenario. His website also has a lot of useful information that helps in preparation for the listening part of the exam. Highly recommended.”

Marianna (Conseiller Fiscal)

“Estoy muy satisfecho con las clases de Gilles, empecé con el en octubre de 2022, cuando empezamos me pregunto sobre mi objetivo y le dije poder hablar francés en 1 año; Gilles me dijo que era un objetivo muy lejano, que apuntaramos para finales de diciembre de ese mismo año. Dicho y echo, en diciembre ya podía mantener conversaciones basicas, en marzo ya podía tener juntas en el trabajo en francés y en julio presenté el TEFAQ y obtuve B2 en expresión y comprensión (incluso muy cerca del C1).
He mejorado mi comprensión, pronunciación pero sobre todo mi forma de expresar de y de sentirme cómodo en un ambiente de habla francesa.”

I am very satisfied with Gilles’ classes, I started with him in October 2022, when we started he asked me about my goal and I told him to be able to speak French in 1 year; Gilles told me that it was a very distant goal, to aim for the end of December of the same year. That said and done, in December I could already have basic conversations, in March I could already have meetings at work in French and in July I took the TEFAQ and got B2 in expression and comprehension (even very close to C1).
I have improved my comprehension, and pronunciation but above all my way of expressing myself and feeling comfortable in a French-speaking environment.”

Aldo (Accounting and Financial Business Partner)

Gilles est un excellent professeur qui travaille avec vous en équipe et vous aide à développer progressivement de meilleures compétences en donnant des techniques qu’il faut utiliser pendant l’examen TEFAQ ou TEF. De plus, en utilisant son site web, que je trouve très organisé, efficace et utile (surtout pour la préparation de l’examen TEFAQ) , J’ai également appris pour la vie quotidienne   .En fait ce site web m’a aidé  à comprendre les deux parties A et B de l’expression orale et à raccourcir mon temps d’apprentissage . Finalement, j’ai obtenu un excellent résultat : C1 .

Merci beaucoup Gilles

Maya (…)

“Gilles … a une grande expérience dans la préparation des étudiants au TEF, mais il m’a également aidé à préparer le TCFQ. Je le recommande vivement comme professeur…
“Gilles est un professeur absolument extraordinaire qui m’a aidé à atteindre le niveau B2 dans mon TCFQ. Non seulement il a une grande expérience dans la préparation des étudiants au TEF, mais il m’a également aidé à préparer le TCFQ. Je le recommande vivement comme professeur pour apprendre le français et réussir l’examen. Il ne vous aide pas seulement à vous préparer à l’examen, mais il s’assure également que vous appliquez la langue dans votre vie quotidienne. Apprendre le français peut être une tâche difficile, surtout lorsque votre avenir en dépend, mais Gilles est venu à mon secours. Il m’a constamment soutenu et guidé tout au long du processus. Je ne le remercierai jamais assez pour tous les efforts qu’il a déployés pour m’aider. 

Gourav (Ing. chimiste)

一年前开始跟Gilles上法语课. 一星期一次。那时候我可以读懂中等程度的法语, 但基本上不能开口交流。Gilles 帮我去掉心理障碍,建立信心。而且他教语法和发音很有经验。我 现在能跟我的魁省同事进行日常对话,我对我的进展很满意。就我自己的经历, 我会推荐给有一定法语基础,但觉得开不了口的人。

“I started to take weekly lessons with Gilles about a year ago. At that time, I was able to read French at an intermediate level, but was essentially not able to communicate orally. Gilles helped me to break this psychological barrier and nurtured my confidence in speaking French. He has a very good and systematic way of teaching pronunciation and grammar, and he always encouraged me to find a “sense” of the French language. Now I am comfortable conducting daily conversations with my Francophone colleagues in French, and I find myself often naturally “switching” to French in professional settings. I am delighted with my progress! I would like to recommend Gilles to anyone who has a basic/intermediate understanding of French but wants to use it in real life.”

Lili (Pathologiste)

With Gilles, I was able to reach B2 in the TEFAQ oral expression exam within 3 months. We were able to call twice a week before work, allowing me to keep my usual work schedule without a problem.
The lessons were engaging, lighthearted, but full of quality teachings improving my ability to express myself in French and while feeling more comfortable in the language.
The focus of each session is to practice “exam scenarios” that apply to real life situations. Through this technique I was able to practice specific turns of phrase and better integrate them into my everyday language – which is ultimately more important than just reaching B2 😊.
I definitely recommend Gilles to anyone wanting to improve their French or pass proficiency exams.

Matt (Financial Analyst)

” I can’t thank Gilles enough! With him, my French classes became a game-changer, propelling my progress at lightning speed. Always so competent, knowledgeable, patient, and incredibly well-versed in all things about TEF, Gilles provides me with a treasure trove of amazing resources to help us succeed. And on top of all that, he’s an extraordinary person, with unmatched kindness and warmth. I passed my exam on the first try; with him, we explored every nook of the oral exam, he prepared me for a multitude of topics, and offered enlightening perspectives to approach things from a fresh angle. Not to mention, he generously shares his notes and audio recordings, which are invaluable for post-class revision. I highly recommend Gilles to anyone preparing for the TEF.
Je ne saurais jamais assez remercier Gilles! Grâce à lui, mes cours de français ont été vraiment formidables et j’ai progressé à une vitesse folle. Toujours aussi compétent, instruit, patient et incroyablement bien informé sur tous les aspects du TEF, Gilles met à notre disposition une tonne de ressources exceptionnelles pour nous aider à réussir. Et en plus de ça, c’est une personne extraordinaire, d’une gentillesse et d’une bienveillance incomparables. J’ai réussi mon examen du premier coup; avec lui, on a vraiment bien travaillé sur l’examen oral, il m’a préparé à une multitude de sujets et m’a offert des perspectives differentes pour aborder les sujets sous un nouvel angle. Il partage généreusement ses notes et enregistrements audios, qui sont d’une aide précieuse pour réviser après les cours. Je recommande vivement Gilles à tous ceux qui passent le TEF.

Priscila (Chef de projet) Résultat TEF Expression Orale: C1

Prepare for level B2!

An online course dedicated to TEF / TEFAQ
but also suitable for TCF / TCFQ


(!) L’emploi généralisé du masculin sur le site a pour but d’alléger le texte.